Member Services

In this section of website we will introduce and expand services for the members of IBTA.

If you have any suggestion what kind of service might be of interest to our members, please contact us


This section will contain information about members of IBTA if they allow to share it with other members.




One of the most important components of IBTA's mission is to help people from around the world to acquire knowledge and skills with methods and tools of modern TRIZ and Systematic Innovation for Business and Management. To ensure the highest degree of quality of education and training, IBTA certifies and accredits trainers to deliver training programs of several levels of advancement. IBTA develops training curricula and certification criteria to be followed by its accredited trainers and certification specialists. All the documents establishing the contents of the training programs and certification demands and criteria will be presented at this website.

Those who successfully completed a specific IBTA-approved training program and confirmed their skills either through training reports or through successfuly passing certification tests obtain registered and numbered international certificates of a relevant degree from IBTA signed by an accredited trainer and Chair of IBTA.

 PowerPoint Slide Show IBTA Certificate 504 Sanjib Ghosal.pptx 11 06 2023 12 18 19  PowerPoint Slide Show IBTA Certificate 660 EN Frank Schuurmans 2.pptx 11 06 2023 12 16 40
 PowerPoint Slide Show IBTA Certificate 695 EN Pavel Jirman Level 3.pptx 11 06 2023 12 16 15  PowerPoint Slide Show IBTA Certificate 707 EN Natalia Amatulli Level 4.pptx 11 06 2023 12 15 01


IBTA curriculum will cover necessary stages to prepare and award the degree of TRIZ Master of Business and Management.

Please check these two documents presenting IBTA requirements for certification: 


List of currently certified specialists by IBTA

At the moment we undertake efforts to develop a joint curriculum for certification together with the International TRIZ Official Association (MATRIZ Official).

In case if you are inerested how to get certification training please contact us.




  • Anyone with the age of 16 is eligible to become a member of IBTA by registering at IBTA website.

  • All decisions regarding IBTA, its activities and maintenance of this website are made by Advisory Board on the basis of simple voting. 

  • Any proposals regarding IBTA, its activities and maintenance of this website are welcome from Chair, Advisory Board, as well as by any registered IBTA member.


  • Unauthorized posting of a copyrighted work on the IBTA website is not allowed.

  • Direct sales are not allowed on this website. You can post your advertisement with a link to an external resource by composing and submitting a new message in the Registered Users section.

  • All news and announcements posted by IBTA members for publication in the main public area of the website will be verified and approved before release to general public. 


  • When signing up to the IBTA website or to access IBTA website restricted services, you will provide personal data  such as name, contact details, email address, and other personal details.

  • By providing IBTA with your personal data, you give IBTA your express agreement to process this information for and to the extent necessary for performing objectives of IBTA listed in the "About" section of this website.

  • The collection and processing of those personal data is based on your consent. If you no longer wish IBTA to further process your personal data for these purposes, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and can unsubscribe, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

  • The personal data, which you transmit to IBTA are stored in a database managed by and under the responsibility of IBTA. Your data are stored exclusively on servers located within European Union.

  • Your personal data shall be stored as long as you or IBTA does not terminate your subscription and one year after such termination, or as long as necessary for the performance of the legally mandated tasks and/or public interest tasks carried out by IBTA, or as long as necessary to process your application, in line with usual business practices.

  • Your personal data shall not be transmitted to any third party, except the service providers in charge of the hosting and/or maintenance of IBTA database and website.

  • Upon request dated and signed sent by email to IBTA and the proof of your identity, you may obtain, free of charge if it is a reasonable volume, the written communication of your processed personal data and the portability of the data, as well as, where appropriate, rectification, restriction of processing, deletion of those which are inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant. The application is considered as dismisses where no action has been taken on the application within 30 days of the request.


  • No warranty or endorsement is implied, and no responsibility is assumed for any products or services, publications, advertising material, links, or promotions appearing on IBTA's website, unless otherwise specified or mentioned directly by IBTA’s online publications, information bulletins, logos, slogans, or other direct solicited or unsolicited marketing services.

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  • IBTA and all information, designs, logos, promotions, titles, and other related material, are provided on an ‘as-is’ basis. The web site does not provide any kind of direct or implied warranties, unless otherwise specified.

  • IBTA including Chair and Advisory Board or affiliate entities shall in no event be liable for any damages, of any nature, resulting without limitations  from the use, and/or handling of information pertaining to business, personal, linked, referenced, or consequential results of using the web site.

  • IBTA is not responsible for content, efficiency, and accuracy as well as data, and information exchanged on, or retrieved from the website, related to classified advertisements, announcement boards, e-commerce, maps, and map services, online data from other databases, subscribers, members or clients, consumers, or businesses.

  • IBTA including Chair and Advisory Board or affiliate entities will be indemnified and not held liable for any material or content which appears on the website unintentionally infringing on any registered or non-registered copyrights.


The International Business TRIZ Association (IBTA) is a non-profit unincorporated network of individuals, teams and organizations dedicated to providing awareness of TRIZ and Systematic Innovation in Business and Management and creating a platform for communication and promoting professional activities as well as to liaise and cooperate with other relevant organisations, associations and institutions at all levels. IBTA was established in December 2019.

Innovation has always been among the most crucial factors driving the progress of human civilization. Today it is clear that business innovation is not less important than technological innovation to survive, develop and successfully compete. Modern business environment is extremely dynamic and fast, information technology and global networking eliminate borders which used to keep businesses in their comfort zones, the market continuously demands better products and services, competition even among small companies moves to a global scale. At the same time there was no solid and proven method that would help with business innovation to create new solutions on demand. In search for a solution, more and more business people turn their attention to TRIZ. TRIZ is a term used for the "Theory of Solving Inventive Problems". It was originated in the middle of the 20th century by Russian inventor Genrich Altshuller and currently is a set of methods and tools which support a process of generating inventive ideas and breakthrough solutions in a systematic and knowledge-based way. Relatively little known before the end of the last century, today TRIZ is recognized globally: more and more companies and organizations worldwide consider TRIZ to be the best practice of innovation.

Although originally TRIZ was created for engineering and technology domains, within last few decades TRIZ developers and practitioners started to expand applications of key TRIZ principles and tools to support problem solving and accelerate innovation in business and management areas. The results appeared to be rather encouraging: a number of seemingly unsolvable business and management problems were solved quite effectively and efficiently. Such situation triggered further development of TRIZ for Business and Management, which has been actively evolving during recent years.

TRIZ-based Systematic Innovation propagates a new way of breakthrough thinking: coming up with successful innovative ideas through eliminating contradictions towards the highest degree of ideality. Instead blind search and jumping to ideas and conclusions, one can thoroughly analyze an innovative problem or challenge, extract contradictions and resolve them in “win-win” way. Understanding mechanisms of systematic evolution of business and management systems can help businesses to identify strategic development based on a scientifically-grounded approach rather than on guesses, trials and errors. This way of thinking will enrich everyone who is willing to to stay at the leading edge of innovation. TRIZ for business and management can be used at both large multinational enterprises and small businesses run by entrepreneurs.


The International Business TRIZ Association intends to fulfill its objectives via:

  • provision and exchange of general information,
  • public relations activities and campaigns,
  • promotion of and support for conferences, events and workshops on relevant topics,
  • promotion of Special Interest Groups focusing on particular topics,
  • promotion of and support for research in relevant issues,
  • contributions to the education and training of people at national and international levels.


Everybody is welcome to become a member of IBTA. The basic membership is free and can be arranged by joining the IBTA through registering as a User at IBTA website. IBTA members can post their announcements and news to general public, communicate with each other, receive news by mail from IBTA, receive discounts for special events, become accredited representatives of IBTA.


Key activities of IBTA are managed by the IBTA Advisory Board which is headed by the President of IBTA.


  • Valeri Souchkov (The Netherlands) 

Current members of the Advisory Board:

  • Andreay Kuryan (Poland)
  • Askar Bapen (Kazakhstan)
  • Han Bing (China)
  • Aleksey Blagikh (Russia)
  • Mike Iarossi (Australia)
  • Michele Renzetti (Italy)
  • PV Narayan (India)
  • Anton Kozhemyako (Russia)
  • Aleksandrs Sidorecs (Switzerland)


  • Russia: Alexey Blagikh 
  • Central Asia and Kazakhstan: Askar Bapen
  • China: Han Bing
  • India: David Isaac



  • Han Bing – Head.
  • Min Yan.
  • Yao Wei.
  • Wang Lixin.
  • Zhang Ting.
  • Dr. Yan Hongbo 


Sposnsorship is open to any organization which is willing to support IBTA and its activities. 

Current Sponsors:

ICG Logo Name small BATRIZ Logo eng small
ICG Training & Consulting  Business Association TRIZ